Spatial Dimension, a Trimble Company, has been hired by the Mozambique Ministry of Mineral Resources and Energy (MIREME) to upgrade its mining cadastre to an e-government based mining cadastre system.

The National Institute of Mines (INAMI) is the implementing agency.

“Mozambique joins a growing list of our customers who are embarking on e-government initiatives and launching online mining cadastre systems. These systems all leverage the power of Landfolio, meaning that existing customers can transition seamlessly from traditional back-office mining cadastre system to full e-government,” said Mr Bill Feast, President of Spatial Dimension.

“Customers will soon be able to submit applications online as well as undertake all other statutory processes such as making payments, submitting reports and undertaking renewals. In addition to these productivity wins, the system will significantly enhance revenue collection.”


“MIREME was our launch customer for Landfolio (then called FlexiCadastre) back in 2003. Over the past 17 years, MIREME has benefited from our ongoing software maintenance and proactive user support, ensuring that they continued to leverage the new features and updates we continuously add to the system.”

“It is thus perhaps natural that INAMI turned to us after deciding to move their licensing processes online, however, we do not take their trust for granted. Having a customer in the IT sector for over 17 years is a real badge of honour. We look forward to our relationship continuing for decades to come.” concluded Mr Feast.

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