• At the end of 2022, Glencore’s operations Kamoto Copper Company S.A. (KCC) and Mutanda Mining SARL (MUMI) together employed more than 8,700 people and had 7,650 contractors. 98% of employees are DRC nationals
  • In 2022, KCC provided employees with smartphones and Umoja, a first of its kind employee engagement app, providing employees with real-time information (including health, safety and HR updates)
  • Regional socio-economic contribution:
    • Proportion of spend with DRC-based suppliers through Enterprise Development Programme (EDP) doubled between 2020 and 2022
    • KCC and MUMI executing their community investment plans focussing on the development of education, health, social infrastructure and agriculture as agreed with local communities in our Cahiers des Charges (social term sheets). Through the Cahiers des Charges we expect KCC and MUMI’s social investment in the DRC to increase to over US$50 million over the next five years

Glencore, a global diversified natural resource company and producer of copper and cobalt in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), affirmed the company’s commitment to the region and country ahead of the DRC Mining Week Expo and Conference in Lubumbashi from 14 to 16 June 2023.

“We are pleased to once again support DRC Mining Week. In the spirit of this year’s theme ‘Recognising DRC Mining’s Triumphs and Victories’ we are looking forward to engaging with delegates and representatives from across the globe to discuss ways to continue developing the DRC as one of the world’s mining hubs whilst supporting responsible environmental and social stewardship,” said Clint Donkin, Head of Glencore Copper Africa.

“We are encouraged by the optimistic outlook for our copper- and cobalt-producing industrial assets in the DRC. We believe our diversified business model, coupled with our focus on transition metals puts us in a good position to help meet the resource needs of the future as well as navigate challenges that may arise”, he added.

As part of Glencore’s ongoing efforts to engage with its key stakeholders, the company will host part of the Cobalt Institute field trip following DRC Mining Week.


“We welcome our stakeholders to come and visit our industrial assets as well as the communities we work with to experience the good work done locally for themselves,” concludes Donkin.

Marie-Chantal Kaninda, President of Glencore DRC and Chairwoman of KCC, said: “The DRC is a country full of opportunities. Its mining wealth is estimated at over US$20 trillion and it is one of the most important copper and cobalt producers, both of which are important metals to support the transition to a decarbonised global economy. Across the business, Glencore is prioritising investment in metals that support a low-carbon future and so we welcome the opportunity that DRC Mining Week offers to hear from the industry as a whole on the growth of DRC’s critical mineral sector.”

“The DRC and Glencore are in a position to contribute to the solutions required to support the global ambition to decarbonise and we look forward to exploring these with peers and industry stakeholders at DRC Mining Week,” she added.

Next articleGlencore Address ESG Factors and Gender Equality in Mining at DRC Mining Week Conference