Chairman of MRG Metals Ltd, Andrew Van Der Zwan, believes that the proposed multi-billion-dollar Chongoene Development Corridor (CDC) Project in Mozambique is a fantastic opportunity for the country.

Van Der Zwan said: “An investment of this size in the local infrastructure is a fantastic result for Mozambique.

“At this stage, it is proposed that the railway component of the CDC development will run through our Corridor Central and Corridor South tenements and as such, STT has invited MRG Metals to provide information as to the impact of the location would have on the company’s projects.

“We will continue these discussions and look forward to continuing to work with STT on what could be a hugely exciting infrastructure upgrade for the country of Mozambique.”


MRG Metals Ltd continues to progress discussions with Moçambique STT Sociedade Anónima, the private enterprise behind the proposed multi-billion-dollar Chongoene Development Corridor (CDC) Project in Mozambique.

The CDC will comprise a 150 million tonnes per annum multi-purpose deepwater seaport in the town of Chongoene, around 40 kilometres south of MRQ’s Koko Massava Prospect and 10 kilometres from the southern boundary of its Corridor South Tenement.

The Chongoene port will be linked by a railway to the existing Maputo-Zimbabwe line and the proposed track line will run through or adjacent to the company’s Corridor Central and Corridor South projects.

Phase-1 development to begin in 2023

The proximity of the Chongoene deepwater seaport project and proposed Mineral Processing Zone as well as the planned extension of a natural gas pipeline for energy production for the park and port, will provide a boost to MRG’s potential mining operations, as it will facilitate a trucking option as well as a rail for export of MRG heavy mineral sand concentrate.

It is estimated that Phase-1 of the CDC Development will begin in 2023 at an investment cost of approximately US$3.78 billion, of which US$2.83 billion will be invested directly into Mozambique.

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