Operators of the Moma Titanium Minerals Mine, Kenmare Resources has published its Sustainability Report for the year ended 31 December 2022.
According to the company, the 2022 sustainability highlights almost 12 million hours worked without a Lost Time Injury to late September 2022 and 50 percent improvement in Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR) in 2022 of 0.09 compared to the three-year average of 0.18 (2020-2022).
Commenting on the report, Michael Carvill, Kenmare Managing Director said: “We are committed to building on our good progress to date, but are in no doubt as to the growing expectations from investors and regulators, to reduce emissions, protect and restore biodiversity and to be even more transparent in our sustainability disclosures.”
He said the company will strive to continue to build on our strong foundations and to make a tangible difference to the lives of our Mozambican host communities.
“I would like to thank the whole Kenmare team and all our partners for their contributions as we continue this journey.”
The report also cites that absolute greenhouse gas emissions reduced by six percent year on year in 2022, driven by the Rotary Uninterruptible Power Supply (RUPS) project and diesel efficiencies following an extensive maintenance programme at the Mineral Separation, with Plant 191 hectares of mined land rehabilitated, exceeding the target of 174 hectares. A further 93 hectares of previously rehabilitated land was improved, Mozambican representation in the Moma Mine workforce remained constant at 97 percent.
In addition, female employees represented 14.5 percent of the Mine workforce at the end of 2022, up from 12.5 percent in 2021, while $3.0 million investment was made into local communities through the Kenmare Moma Development Association (KMAD) (2021: $2.3 million).
“A water reuse rate of 90 percent was achieved; Kenmare’s Water Accounting Framework continued to mature and achieve closer alignment with the ICMM principles, with $29.5 million of payments to the Government of Mozambique (2020: $26.5 million).”
The 2022 Sustainability Report, aligned with the Global Reporting Initiative standards, aims to assist stakeholders to further understand our business by providing transparent demonstration and disclosure of Kenmare’s sustainability performance. The Company reports its performance against its 2022 sustainability targets, which were detailed in the 2021 Sustainability Report, and sets new targets for 2023, as the Company works towards its published mid-term (2025) targets.
The report also outlines the strategy, policies, and management approach of Kenmare’s longstanding and on-going commitment to sustainability. These efforts are underpinned by the corporate values of Integrity, Commitment, Accountability, Respect and Excellence (ICARE) and Kenmare’s purpose of “responsibly meeting global demand for quality-of-life minerals.”
Meanwhile Elaine Dorward-King, Chair of the Sustainability Committee said: “Kenmare strives to provide transparent and comprehensive reporting on the progress and challenges related to our sustainability programmes. The Company was recognised as ‘ESG Producer of the Year’ in the prestigious Mines and Money Awards and the team also achieved 21 percent out of a potential 25 percent in its 2022 ESG Scorecard.”