Vale Moçambique looks to increase its production to 15 million tons in 2021 by revamping its mining complex in Moatize in Tete province.

The general maintenance of the mining complex is based on sustainable and safe operation, this being a crucial company value. Work started this month and will continue until the beginning of March 2021.

Maintenance usually implies a decrease in coal production, but work in the mine will not stop, and all the miners will be actively involved during the project.

Given the scale of the operation, Vale has had to hire around 1,300 temporary workers for the duration of the project – mostly Mozambicans, but also from countries such as Brazil and South Africa.


Maintenance at coal processing plants is based on the restoration of basic equipment conditions and the implementation of improvements in conservation, operation and production processes.

Structural actions, such as a strategy review, will also be put in place, along with maintenance and operation plans and procedures and the training of operation and maintenance teams. The objective is to strengthen the operation and maintenance processes to ensure the sustainability of results after the ‘revamp’.

Vale’s priority is its people, so the entire maintenance operation will be subject to the highest levels of safety, including the prevention of the new coronavirus. Despite the constraints caused by the pandemic worldwide, Vale has kept on its entire workforce, as crucial both for the company’s business and for the well-being of its employees.

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