Zest WEG is reporting growing demand from Burkina Faso, Guinea, Namibia, Mozambique, the DRC, Kenya, Tanzania and Nigeria.
The company sees each country in Africa as being unique and finds it essential to be face-to-face with clients on a continual basis.
The motor and controls manufacturing Group designs, manufactures, markets and installs electrical products and solutions across the full electrical spectrum, is achieving great success with its new specially crafted ‘pavement pounding, search and solve’ business model that ensures optimum cost effectiveness for investors entering the burgeoning junior mining project space in Africa.
Business out of Africa currently provides Zest WEG with 35% of its revenue and the company’s strategic target is to have 50% of revenue emanating from the rest of Africa and 50% from South Africa by 2020.
While mining remains Zest WEG’s single biggest pursuit, it can no longer rely solely on South Africa’s big greenfield and brownfield mining projects for 60% of its revenue and has thus adjusted its business model away from the fixed approach of targeting large mining companies towards directing solution-based marketing efforts at investors in Australia, Canada and Europe who are developing mining projects in the rest of Africa.
Its success with enlarging its African footprint has involved walking the pavements of Perth, Toronto and Paris, studying the tenant notice boards on buildings, knocking on doors to interface with new clients and tailoring cost-effective solutions for projects at feasibility, bankable and commercial stages.
The upshot is that a list of 60 mainly junior mining projects is now lighting its path across Africa as the company strives to underpin various phases of the projects of its new client base.
Zest WEG spares no effort to become involved from the initial stages of project viability analysis through to examining the attractiveness of the costing model and studying a multiplicity of ways to lower input costs so that investors can achieve mandated capital return.
“We’ve got to go and find business where it is, and that’s in Africa,” Zest WEG CEO Louis Meiring points out.
Zest WEG has 740 permanent employees and 2 000 nonpermanent employees scattered across African project sites, and comes with a solid sales proposition of cost-effective rand-based technical solutions that meet the tight capital-expenditure targets of private-equity companies and private investors across the full spectrum of extraction, processing and logistics.
“We’re in the very fortunate position of being involved in all project phases,” says Meiring.